Emmaus Banner

COMMUNITY NEWS: Last fall, the Board of Directors expressed concern about proceeding with any further plans for an Emmaus event. The Board surveyed the community to assess the commitment level of our members, and determined that the commitment level was not sufficient to proceed with a Walk in 2025.

Since that time, discussion at Gatherings and Board meetings has focused on our community's next steps; in February, the Board made the difficult decision to officially suspend the activities of the community (become a 'dormant' community relative to the Upper Room). This decision was explained to the community by our Community Lay Director, Cheryl Wartenbee, via an email to the community sent on February 22, 2025.

The New-Ark Area Emmaus Community is made up of persons who have attended an Emmaus Ministries or equivalent spiritual renewal experience. The Community is hosted by First United Methodist Church in Newark, Ohio.

Persons who attended an Emmaus or equivalent experience elsewhere may become members of New-Ark Area Emmaus by participating in its activities, and by registering their contact information with the Community.

Community Gatherings, open to all, are held in the First United Methodist Church Sanctuary. Gatherings are generally held on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Gatherings are preceded by food and fellowship at 6:30 PM, and begin with music at 6:45 PM.
